Born July 28, 1946 in Montreal, QC. Attended Catholic Elementary and Secondary School in Verdun, QC. Obtained a BSc in Management in 1977 from DePAUL University, Chicago. IL. Started working in 1964 for a large international Pulp & Paper company and was fortunate in 1977 to start travelling overseas for business and over the next 35 plus years I was able to visit and do business in 62 countries worldwide eventually becoming a senior VP of the company responsible for Logistics (Purchasing, Transportation and Customs). After leaving the paper business I became Chief Operating Officer of two privately owned businesses in Alberta and at 68 decided it was time to retire. We moved then to Stoney Creek, ON. I have been involved in many activities in each of the parishes having been on Parish Councils, Liturgical Committees, Finance Committees. Also served as President of the Holy Name Society, Grand Knight of Council 14421 at IHM. I also was a member of a number of Archdiocesan Committees and was Chairman of the Archdiocesan Planning Committee of Geroud-McClennon prior to moving back to Ontario.